Monday, 4 January 2010

A New year begins

It has been a year now since I placed my first tentative posting on my blog and I want to thank you all for your kind comments and thoughts which have been very encouraging.
Words and writing is not my first choice of expressing myself, but you all have been so kind that so much so I shall carry on with a bit more! and before I do I would like to wish you a very creative, happy and peaceful 2010

Today was my first day back at the studio. I have had two weeks away and have been in blissful Christmas holiday mode, so it was a real shock to the system to go back.
I usually miss making so much that I get really twitchy a couple of days in to being away from my work but strangely this holiday time I didn't. I can only put it down to the fact that I had possible almost worked my socks completely off by the end of 2009 and needed a rest from it all.
I know that before I launch myself off into new making I need to de-clutter my space. I cannot believe how much "stuff" I have accumulated over the 5 years of being there, piles of it everywhere, made even more noticeable by my being out of my space for two weeks (how did I ever manage to move with in it before? let alone ever having the option if so desired to swing a cat) so I have made the bold and cathartic decision to get rid of all the surplus "stuff", I fancy the burning option, with no point of return. I am tired of keeping things "just in case they come handy" I fancy a big burning pile of redundant stuff with nothing coming back to haunt me in the future. Anything with I take as being anonymous I shall drop off at the charity shop which is near to the studio. I feel brave, a new and positive start to 2010. I shall then begin making new work in a new clean and tidy space. Oh wish me luck!

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