Wednesday, 13 January 2010

All sorted and all starting

My big sort out and De cluttering was successful. I was ruthless and turned out years of stuff.

I managed to recycling some of it to friends, some ready and waiting for Children's workshops later on in the year and so far one box of magazines has gone to a local textile group. Although I still have 20 years worth of the Crafts Council-Crafts Magazine!

Getting rid of things that you have kept for years, because it holds sentimental reasons or because "that may just come in handy" or because you just like it makes it hard sometimes to get rid of. I had reached the point of no return and I managed to stop myself re-reading postcards, letters, trinkets and old magazine and newspaper articles and just boxed it in the 'appropriate' box ready to go.

I had an idea to make a piece of work with some of the sent cards and letters I had kept over the years, but then decided that I could never sell it as a piece of work and would rather watch all those thoughts, ideas, kindnesses and some sadness go up in smoke, too personal to go to the dump and too heart wrenching to make with.

My space is now much clearer and I feel refreshed. I can now begin the commission pieces that I have promised clients I would start in January.
The snow has managed to scupper my journey into the studio for a couple of days which was very frustrating but our snow is nothing to what some people have experienced around the country, it has been very picturesque though.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh you have been both busy and brave, I'm decluttering the kitchen much less emotional than tackling the studio.

    I with you every sucess for 2010
