Thursday, 9 July 2009

Filming for television

last Monday I was filmed for a Stitching programme which is due to be shown later in the autumn. I was so nervous on my drive to the filming, I did a one stage think that I had better pull over as I thought that I would be sick due to my nerves. I didn't and I was fine.
The organiser, director and film crew were all very kind, reassuring and gentle. As I was being filmed I could feel my pounding heart echoing through my words, but I think I got away with it and only my words came out.
I have no idea how I came across or what I said, or how I looked as i stitched away, it was noted that I was very enthusiastic when talking- so we will have to wait and see. Now a few days later I can say I enjoyed it, or rather the memory of it! I was so, so tired at the end of the day, was that all the hard work and emotion of my performance? or my mum waking me up at 6am to tell me I did not need to get up until 6.30?


  1. Sounds exciting. Can you tell us which TV programme and which channel it will be on?

  2. I am afraid I am unable to say when and where the television programme is to be shown untill nearer the showing time. keep an eye on my blog as I shall let you know when and where in the early autumn.
