Saturday, 26 March 2011

I'm getting my collection of new pieces ready for the Harrogate Trade Fair. It has been lovely making and creating new pieces. All are now made and now the framing begins. I can't wait to see what they look like in their frames.

Shoreline Birds

Friday, 18 March 2011

Stitching here and stitching there and stitching everywhere

Stitching here and stitching there and stitching everywhere has been me in the last couple of weeks and I wouldn't change a thing or ask for a different occupation. I've been to The Wokingham branch of the embroiderers guild, The Marlborough branch of the embroiderers guild and The Salisbury branch of the embroiderers guild and the same questions and observations pop up in conversation "you are so lucky to stitch all the time" and I know I am. I have always taken it for granted, and then it suddenly dawned on me! I am so lucky!!

The photographs attached are very clever stitchers from The Wokingham branch and The Marlborough branch all with their finished and almost finished beautiful embroideries. Let us celebrate the stitch and congratulate ourselves on us making it all by ourselves, well done everybody who made work and a big thank you to all of you for making me so welcome at your guilds.
Happy stitching and carry on the good work!